Avast ye (pay attention), mateys! For my daughter’s Pirate Party a few years ago, I wanted to really set the Pirate scene with treasure chests and big bucket props full of treasure! However, it would have cost a fortune to actually fill these with treasure, even if it was all fake. So I came up with a quick DIY to give the illusion that they were full with coins, gems and jewelry! Read on to see how I did it!
DIY Pirate Treasure Decor
- Bucket, Pail or Treasure Chest
- Floral foam
- Cardboard
- Glue
- Gems
- Coins
- Bead necklaces
- Shells
- Any other “Pirate’s Treasure” you’d like to add
Step 1-
Fill the base up with floral foam.

Step 2 –
Cut cardboard to fit on top of the foam. It should fit part way down the basket, tight.
Step 3 –
Glue gems, coins, necklaces and other pirate treasure onto the cardboard. It’s a good idea to let some “hang” off the edges (this works best with necklaces), so that you can drape them over the edges of your container for a more realistic look!
Step 4 –
Insert the “treasure” into the container, covering the floral foam.
Step 5 –
Set your finished Pirate’s Treasure decor where you want it, and add any other decor items or signage you need! I used mine in my “Treasure Cove” Favor Station area, so I added some pirate sword favors, as as well as a sign instructing guests to “Grab Yer Loot”!
Another quick DIY option – you could put a hole in the middle of the basket and insert a pole to hang a pirate flag on – you’d have a pirate ship lookout!
Don’t forget to check out my Pirate Party Dessert Table Ideas, 6 Pirate Party Activity Ideas, and DIY Pirate’s Loot Favor Station!
Happy Partying!
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