Looking for a quick and easy Halloween accessory? This DIY terrarium necklace is the perfect addition to so many costumes and takes 15 minutes to put together. I’m adding it to my steampunk look this year. Even better, it is still pretty & funky for post-Halloween wear.

I love jewelry! I’m sure you do too. The latest trend of terrarium necklaces really appeals to me and I thought a skull version would be the perfect accessory for my steam punk pirate Halloween costume?!
A necklace chain and glass dome with something a little different inside.
- Craft tweezers
- Adhesive, I tried gem-tac & it worked but I found 527 & power-tac worked quicker
- Scissors
Materials you need:
- 1 necklace chain, from the jewelry section of your local craft store
- 15mm glass dome terrarium, this and other options are at your local craft store or try Etsy
- Miniature halloween accessories, I chose a skull (you can find minatures at most craft stores, I found mine at Michaels)
- A small bag of colored moss (I used pink, you can also use green & spray it to the color you love)
- A small bag of sand (I chose gray)
- Black feathers
- Selection of steampunk cogs
- Selection of crystals
Here we go, grab a pair of tweezers and lets get started.
Once the sand is in the dome you can balance the dome in it
Add the moss
Add your mini piece of Halloween, it was a skull for me
Add mini cogs, wheels or other fun minis
Cut off a small piece of feather
Add the feather
Add the crystals
You are now ready to seal the dome
Add the glue to the top, I found 527 glue worked perfectly, this will dry clear and leave no residue
Push the top onto the glass dome & wait for the glue to set
Your pendant is now ready to wear!
Hope you enjoyed this quick 15 min tutorial. Have fun and happy Halloween
Nat x
Very cool! Love your combo.
you rock!
Very cool! Love your combo.
thank you so much darling!
thank you so much for sharing!