In my last post, I showed you how to use a super affordable and versatile craft supply you most likely already have at home – tin cans – to create a classic tin can phone. But I have plenty more ideas where that one came from!
The second craft in my Easy Fourth of July Crafts series featuring tin cans are these pretty and patriotic planters. They make the perfect table decor for a Fourth of July table setting. My kids and I had a ton of fun making them nearly 3 years ago! Look how young they look. We still love watching our little plants grow!
Read on to get all of the steps for how to create your own Patriotic Planters!
Step 1 –
First, remove the lids of the cans using either the pull tab provided or a can opener. Use a smooth-edge can opener or smooth the sharp edges yourself. Here is an article on how to prepare cans for crafting!
Step 2 –
Use stickers, ribbon, duct tape, or anything else you’d like to decorate your cans! I used actual mini flags and some mod podge to decorate mine, along with some pretty floral accents and decorative edging. This is the time to let your creative side shine!
Step 3 –
Once your cans are decorated, it’s time to pick your plant. Small succulents are an affordable and adorable option. You can find them at a local plant nursery. The big box stores also often have them in their garden centers.
Remember that your plant must be small enough to fit comfortably inside a tin can, so you won’t want to get one that is in a pot larger than ~3 inches. Also, if you choose a plant that needs good drainage, you can easily drill or use a hammer and nail to create a few drainage holes in the bottom of your can before the next step.
We chose zebra cactuses for ours – they are fun to look at and, thankfully, not very high maintenance!
Step 4-
Next, fill your can a little over halfway with potting soil. Carefully remove your plant from its original pot, gently shake the roots free a little, and place it in your tin can. Fill the rest of the can with more potting soil so that all of the plants roots are covered.
Step 5 –
Display your patriotic plants proudly!
For more fun tin can crafts be sure to check out my other Fourth of July craft posts on Tin Can Planters HERE and Classic Tin Can Phones HERE!
This is another fun tin can craft!! I love the recycled ideas!!
Thank you Lori! I do love when I get to reuse things and make them “new” again!
We always have tin cans around! Such a great idea to upcycle them into darling planters!